By: Chloë Sibley Writer & Journalist | Specialist Food & Arts

From Pappa al Pomodoro to Ribollita, Tuscan cuisine is renowned for its skill in utilising leftovers. La Francesina is a lesser-known Tuscan recipe that reuses boiled beef soaked in red wine, twined with onions. The name is thought to have come from the similar french bœuf miroton recipe, known for its use of onion. Join our beloved chef duo Pippo and Guia in the kitchen as they create one of Tuscany's simple masterpieces. 

The base of La Francesina is Tuscany's green gold — Extra-virgin olive oil. Its tantalising taste is infused with onions, tomatoes and red wine, all adored flavours of Tuscany. The beef itself has a frayed texture to achieve softness, creating a dish that is as comforting as it is delicious.

Kitchen recipes

La Francesina

Serves 4 - Cook in 1 hour


- 600-850g leftover boiled and frayed beef (original recipe uses tongue, shin, silverside, rump)
- 4 red/white onions, finely sliced into rings
- 120ml red wine
-Teaspoon of tomato paste
- Extra-virgin olive oil
- Salt


Step 1

Heat some olive oil in a casserole, add the finely sliced onions and cook on low heat until translucent.

Step 2

Add the boiled and frayed beef, red wine and teaspoon of tomato paste. Cook on high heat for 10-15 minutes. Reduce to low heat, cover and cook for 1 hour.

Step 3

Season to taste and serve warm. This dish should be served with a chunk of Tuscan bread to mop up the remaining sauce on your plate. Buon appetito!

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