By: Jasmine Boni-Ball Writer & Journalist | Specialist Fashion & Travel

The renowned Italian dessert, Panna Cotta, is thought to have been born in Piedmont during the 1960s. The simple combination of sugar, cream and gelatin make up this adored and versatile treat, enjoyed all year round. Tuscany-based chef Riccardo Becocci brings you his recipe of Panna Cotta's iconic strawberry upgrade — a blush-pink dessert, cool and refreshing for summertime.  

Fresh strawberries are blended to create a fruity purée, which is then added to cream and milk for a smooth mixture. Gelatin sheets are added into this mixture, which is next poured into serving dishes or glasses of your choice, and chilled to create a silky finish with a slight wobble. Serve with fresh berries for the ultimate Italian summer dessert.

Strawberry Panna Cotta

Serves 4 - Cook in 25 minutes plus 4 hours to chill in the fridge  


- 500ml heavy cream
- 100ml whole milk 
- 200g strawberries 
- 100g granulated sugar 
- 4 gelatin sheets 


Step 1

Put the gelatine to soak in cold water. Wash and cut strawberries into pieces, place in a blender, and blend into a puree. Sieve the puree to remove any seeds.

Step 2

Add the cream, milk, and sugar to a saucepan and cook on low heat. Bring to a boil, add the gelatin sheets and mix, making sure they melt completely. Remove from heat, add the pureed strawberries and mix well.

Step 3

Pour the mixture into individual serving dishes and refrigerate for 4 hours, until completely set. If you like, serve with fresh berries. Buon Appetito!

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