By: Sara Sherwood Writer & Journalist | Specialist Travel

As the birthplace of Ferrari, Lamborghini and Fiat 500, Italy is in many ways an excellent place to drive. Whether you hire a sports car or an SUV to fit the whole family, the views as you curve from hilltown to hilltown through Tuscany are breathtaking. 

When you rent a luxury villa in Italy, the chances are you’ll need to rent a car. Unless you are opting for a vacation rental from our special collection of villas with no car needed, you’ll appreciate the set of wheels for day trips. Take the stress out of travel and have a luxury car rental delivered to and collected from your villa with Veloce Fast Cars. Or ask our complimentary concierge to organise your airport transfers for you. 

From GPS to speed limits, here are all the rules you’ll need to keep in mind when hiring and driving a car rental in Italy.

Guide to driving in Italy

The basic rules when driving in Italy

  1. Italians drive on the right-hand side.

  2. It is illegal to make a right-hand turn when the traffic light is red.

  3. Often in historic city centres, cars without a permit are not allowed. Keep an eye out for ZTL (see below) or CCTV.

  4. Right of way: give right of way to those coming from the right.

  5. When driving on Friday and Sunday evenings on motorways around cities, just like at home, you’re bound to run into some traffic. Urbanites return from the beach or countryside, so best avoid driving between 5pm and 11pm if possible!

Parking rules in Italy

It is important to note the different coloured spaces when parking in Italy: 

  1. White lines mean one of two things: the parking space is either free or it is for residents. It is therefore really important to check the signs! If the spot is free, be sure to check it is not a time limited space. Resident parking should be indicated with a sign. If your car is parked in a residents parking space and you fail to show a resident pass, you will receive a fine.

  2. Yellow lines mean you need certain permissions to park here. These lines could indicate it is a loading bay, or it is reserved for taxis and residents so be sure to check the signs or symbols nearby. Yellow lines with an accompanying wheelchair symbol are for disabled parking that will require you to display the appropriate pass.

  3. Blue is almost always for paid parking. You are required to pay Monday to Saturday 08:00–20:00. Prices vary. Once you have your ticket, leave it on the dashboard. If in doubt, check for road signs!

  4. If you intend to park your car overnight, check local signs which indicate when street cleaning is done. This generally on the first and third Tuesday of the month. Cars left in a street where cleaning is scheduled are towed away!

  5. It is also worth noting that Pink spaces are reserved for pregnant women and parents with children. You don’t need to display anything to park here, but please keep these spaces free if they don’t apply to you.

  6. If you are driving an electric or hybrid car, you can only park at a charging station while your vehicle is charging. Once you have finished, you will need to move your car.

If you’re planning a visit to Florence, make sure you read our short guide on Parking in Florence — this includes tips for avoiding limited traffic zones and parking in garages, parking lots and along the street.

Driving speed limits in Italy

More than 6,500 kilometres make up Italy’s national system of motorways. Each level has a different speed limit:

  1. Superstrade, also known as a Type B motorway, or strada extraurbana principale, are dual carriageways (divided expressways with at least two lanes in each direction), with a paved shoulder and no intersections. The speed limit is 90 km/h (56 mph).

  2. Autostrade, are Type A motorways with a maximum speed limit of 130km/h, and link major cities. The A1, for example, goes from Milan to Rome to Naples.

  3. Urban roads have a maximum speed limit of 50 km/h.

  4. Strade Bianche, also known as the “white roads”, is the unpaved back roads that criss-cross the countryside through vineyards and olive groves. The name comes from the colour of the earth and small stones of these roads during the dry summer. These are ideal cycling and walking paths.

Tips for hiring a rental car in Italy

  1. Make sure insurance is included in your car rental. 

  2. The majority of cars available in Italy will be manual, not automaticRemember to specify when you reserve a car that you would like automatic if that is what you prefer.

  3. It is useful to rent a GPS with the car, so you can easily find places via postcode.

  4. The minimum driving age in Italy is 18, but anyone hiring a car must have had their license for at least a year. Any driver under the age of 25 will have to pay a young driver's surcharge. Insurance companies usually set a maximum age for car hire, and the cutoff can be as young as 70, so do check.

  5. Organise your car hire in advance, particularly if you are travelling in high season.

  6. Four-wheel-drive guarantees extra security and comfort — our concierge team can help you choose the right size and type of car rental for your villa. They can also help you find the right car rental company.

Key vocabulary when driving in Italy

Pedaggio: toll

Sinistra: left

Destra: right

Dritto: straight ahead

Uscito: exit 

Benzina: this is petrol (UK) or gas (US), not to be confused with diesel at the pump

Zona Traffico Limitato (ZTL): restricted drive zone reserved for cars with permission

Zona Pedonale - Pedestrian streets or streets reserved for pedestrians. 

Emergency contacts in Italy

Police: 113 

Fire Department: 115 

Ambulance: 118

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